Thursday, January 26, 2012


Carter has a toothie coming in and I am very excited. Probably more excited than I should be.. but it's a milestone in my baby's life! :)

Little dude has been sleeping in his crib like a champ. Pretty much every night until about 4am. Score for him.. making me a proud mama!

I've been bathing suit browsing for the summer. Obvs I am so excited for warm weather and the beach. Now if only I can get my ass into shape and stop eating like crap. We did do pretty good food shopping tonight.. now if only I can make some time to go to the gym in between work, mommy, church obligations, the new mommy group I am looking to join, friends and family, and sorority stuff (that I hope to get back into this semester). Aah.. I love being busy but I also don't like missing my little dude when he isn't with me.

I'm tired. I need lots of sleep. I need a brisk walk tomorrow. and then perhaps a bottle of wine that has no calories in it. ha.. fat chance.

happy thursday evening.

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