Sunday, February 5, 2012

Superbowl.. Shmooperbowl..

i truly could not care less about the superbowl.. this year, or any other year. Yes, I am currently watching it.. but it's because I like funny commercials and I live with a male. The Blake Shelton appearance was a surprise though. He's adorable.

What would be even better on this Sunday evening is if I had some wings, celery, blue cheese, and beer. But I don't. I'll have to settle for chocolate chip cookie dough frozen yogurt. I guess that makes me a little less of a fat ass. Not much.. but just a little. I guess if I want to lose twenty pounds I need to make sacrifices. My sacrifices should be greater.. but hey.. baby steps.

Carter had lots of milestones this week. He is crawling. He has a tooth. He pulls himself up from sitting to standing on the table, in the crib, on the couch, pretty much everywhere. He does raspberries, finger paints, and is darling. I love my little man.

What's not to love?!

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