Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Side tracked..

Whew..it's been a whirlwind of a week for me. Between taking care of Carter, figuring out our baptisms, working, planning his first birthday, and spending time with family.. we've been busy!

Good news.. after a little over ten years of classes and procrastination, I will finally be baptized and receive all of my sacraments that I need at this time to become a Catholic. Carter and I will both be baptized at the Easter Vigil this year. Don't worry... once we know times and specifics, we will spread the word to let everyone know! The same goes for his birthday..

Christmas pictures and a new calendar were ordered from shutterfly! :)

Things to be thankful for this week:

1. Life.
2. Health.
3. An old friend's baby who was born prematurely with some issues and needed surgery is doing very well. I've been praying for baby Lily and her family.

I'm sure I can think of more later... but I'm going to take advantage of a hot shower while Carter is sleeping!


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