Sunday, January 1, 2012


And so it begins.. 2012. I love new years and all that comes with them. It's like a breath of fresh air; a rebirth. It's the time to clean the house and burn candles that smell like clean laundry. It's the time of the year that I like to rid my life of junk and things that I no longer use. And.. it's when I vow to change something in my life to make a better me.. usually lose some sort of weight.. which never happens because I like junk food and alcohol. I make up some lame excuse at the end of the year of why I still have those extra pounds and vow to do it next year... usually next year never comes. BUT... this year is different; I feel it.

This year I will be a better me. I have someone to be a better me for. It's amazing what having a child can do for the soul. There's a love and excitement for each day that cannot be described. Carter will make me a better person because I want to be an exceptional role model and bring him up with values and teach him to reach his goals. So here goes.. this is what I WILL accomplish this year:

1. Lose 15 pounds. This may sound crazy, but I want to be at the weight I was when I graduated high school and entered college. Yep.. my weight.. oh.. ten years ago. Yes, I graduated high school ten years ago and that officially makes me feel OLD.

2. Stop cursing. I'm pretty sure I will not think it is cool if Carter's first word is $hit or F*ck. I mean, my mom and my husband may laugh.. and I would probably chuckle on the outside, but be devastated on the inside. Remember.. positive role model here!

3. Blog. I'm having high hopes with daily. If I hit three times a week, I will be proud of myself.

Those are my top three resolutions. I have mini ones that I'd like to accomplish like keeping in touch with people better, going to church at least twice a month, spending money a little more wisely, using my gym membership, etc. But hey.. I've got to start somewhere. 2012 will be better than 2011... at least I am praying that it will be!

What will you do in twenty-twelve...?

Ringing it in on a positive note,
Tartar Sauce

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