Friday, January 10, 2014

2014 really??

Seriously? I'm not even sure where the past year and a half went since I signed on and posted.

Maybe it was the two job changes? The 15 hour work week that changed into 25 that then turned into 30? on top of the full time job known as motherhood. I mean I only have a two and a half year old now who is totally growing up way too fast for me. Gone are the days of rocking and crawling and newborn snuggles. They have changed into potty training, running and screaming, play doh sculpting, bossy demands of a non settled, crazy toddler who has more energy than a fully charged solar panel.

Even with the crazy life we may lead, I'm still grounded knowing that I'm alive for all of the madness. Menopause and PPH is a hitch but I feel I've overcome the biggest adjustment that was thrown at me the past 2 and a half years. Thank goodness for bio identical hormone pellet therapy.  More on that next time. ..

Ta- Ta for Now! !

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Starting a long journey...

Today starts a long journey on the road of menopause maintenance. I meet with my GP to discuss coming off of Zoloft for anxiety, even though I still struggle with it. It's the catch 22 of coming off of anxiety meds to figure out if my estrogen levels are too low which in turn is causing me to have anxiety. Changing hormonal meds can take up to 6 weeks to figure out if they are a good match or entirely the wrong match which will then make me feel worse. Seems like a vicious cycle but it is the only way for me to figure out my body. The body in which I really am not fond of. I'm not fond of the weight I gain from the two meds I'm on. I'm not fond of them making me hungry. I'm not fond of the hair loss. I am however happy for my life, my husband, son, family, and friends. I will not let this beat me, bring me down any further. I'm determined to win and get my life back. And to lose meds, weight, and anxiety. Please God, I will win this fight. Next week is my consult with my gyn for hormone options. Til then.. Adios amigos!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Birthday Party Plans in Full Swing..

Carter's birthday party plans are really shaping up. I'm quite excited. I've received his high chair decor for his cake smash. I've made some signs on the computer for other decorations and have the menu pretty set. Woot! His Dr. Seuss party will be a smash and I'm thrilled.. since I love planning. Yet, I am so sad because that means my baby is going to be one. Not so much a baby anymore.

This week has been a better one for me, emotionally. I've really put a lot into the hands of God and just decided that I can't be anxious about my health and other things. With this whole baptism going on in April, I've really tried to dedicate time to church, reading, and meetings. It makes me feel like a better person and kind of grounds me a bit.

Tomorrow is Carter's first birthday party for a friend! My girlfriend's son Chase will be having his party at a bowling alley. Not that Carter can bowl or anything, but we'll make an appearance for some cake and celebrations!

My cool purchase of the week is a pair of Tom's shoes. I like the idea that for every pair of shoes you buy, they give a pair to a child in need. I haven't worn them yet, but I'm pretty sure they'll be comfy.

Well, time for dinner that the hubby made. Maybe even a glass of wine...


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Superbowl.. Shmooperbowl..

i truly could not care less about the superbowl.. this year, or any other year. Yes, I am currently watching it.. but it's because I like funny commercials and I live with a male. The Blake Shelton appearance was a surprise though. He's adorable.

What would be even better on this Sunday evening is if I had some wings, celery, blue cheese, and beer. But I don't. I'll have to settle for chocolate chip cookie dough frozen yogurt. I guess that makes me a little less of a fat ass. Not much.. but just a little. I guess if I want to lose twenty pounds I need to make sacrifices. My sacrifices should be greater.. but hey.. baby steps.

Carter had lots of milestones this week. He is crawling. He has a tooth. He pulls himself up from sitting to standing on the table, in the crib, on the couch, pretty much everywhere. He does raspberries, finger paints, and is darling. I love my little man.

What's not to love?!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Carter has a toothie coming in and I am very excited. Probably more excited than I should be.. but it's a milestone in my baby's life! :)

Little dude has been sleeping in his crib like a champ. Pretty much every night until about 4am. Score for him.. making me a proud mama!

I've been bathing suit browsing for the summer. Obvs I am so excited for warm weather and the beach. Now if only I can get my ass into shape and stop eating like crap. We did do pretty good food shopping tonight.. now if only I can make some time to go to the gym in between work, mommy, church obligations, the new mommy group I am looking to join, friends and family, and sorority stuff (that I hope to get back into this semester). Aah.. I love being busy but I also don't like missing my little dude when he isn't with me.

I'm tired. I need lots of sleep. I need a brisk walk tomorrow. and then perhaps a bottle of wine that has no calories in it. ha.. fat chance.

happy thursday evening.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Busy Weekend

Twas a busy weekend in the Ford household.. Friday evening Carter and I spent time with my mom. She had a procedure done last week that required her to take it easy... so we went over to keep her company and make her smile. Of course our night was filled with laughs, food, and drinks. That's what we do best.


Fabulous night.. obviously.

Saturday I woke up to the white stuff. Cold and wet and snowy. Yuck. But I had to drive to work anyway. On the way down the expressway, the snow disappeared. Awesome. I worked til 5 and headed home to get my little man. My father in law had him all afternoon and it was time for mommy to love up on him while daddy worked.

Sunday we headed up to PA to see little brother's Senior hockey game for Neumann University. It was their last home game so seniors were honored. Chris played the entire game.. and it was pretty intense. They won! Congrats buddy!

Today I was supposed to have jury duty.. but my number was dismissed.. so.. I had a mommy to herself day.. because Carter had me up all night. :( Little guy must be teething. So.. he spent the day with his Gram and Poppy and I relaxed a bit. Now to do it all over again tomorrow with work...

Off to relax.... while keeping the Rezzetti's in my prayers after Carol had a heart attack! :(

Friday, January 20, 2012

Getting a Mommy through the Day..

To my darling Aubs.. I miss you like woah.. and I want my jammies stat! :)

Being a mommy isn't always puppies and rainbows and all things pleasant..

Though, it would be nice.. especially if I had a cute puppy like those. Instead I have an old girl.. who seems to hate me and Carter. She eats everything that is mine and does not touch Jim's stuff. I guess she's out to get us. Don't let her cuteness below fool you.

To get me through the day, I like to believe that I start off with a nice huge smile from Carter. Some days I do... and some days I start off with tears.
I'd start off with this cry baby any day..
not so much this one...

Some days, we relax around the house and enjoy our toys and some trashy television. I'm really thinking that Maury needs to get some new topics.. how many shows can you have that says "Jon, you are the father of Jess, Kim, and Tammy's kids!"

After our Maury fix, we settle down to HGTV the rest of the day. Yes, I mean that channel is on for the remainder of the day.. unless I have to switch to cartoons..



I think Property Brothers wins.. and they are much more handsome. The way I see it.. One day I might end up with a beautiful kitchen like this...

instead of nightmares of this guy..

During the day we have diaper changes that end up as total clothing changes.. or roll around the floor naked and play with my diaper changes.

All while singing the famous ABC's and jumping like a nut in the Baby Einstein jumper. Which by the way, I totally recommend.

is our learning time.

Although by the end of the day, I'm exhausted and tired of the alphabet song and I look like I've been soaked by the shower (or just teething baby drool).
This smile always makes it better and totally worth it...
And then I end the evening with this...
one paci isn't enough.. we need two..

Just like mommy needs a nice glass of wine and her hubby..

Ahh.. the life of a mommy. HaHa..