Friday, February 10, 2012

Birthday Party Plans in Full Swing..

Carter's birthday party plans are really shaping up. I'm quite excited. I've received his high chair decor for his cake smash. I've made some signs on the computer for other decorations and have the menu pretty set. Woot! His Dr. Seuss party will be a smash and I'm thrilled.. since I love planning. Yet, I am so sad because that means my baby is going to be one. Not so much a baby anymore.

This week has been a better one for me, emotionally. I've really put a lot into the hands of God and just decided that I can't be anxious about my health and other things. With this whole baptism going on in April, I've really tried to dedicate time to church, reading, and meetings. It makes me feel like a better person and kind of grounds me a bit.

Tomorrow is Carter's first birthday party for a friend! My girlfriend's son Chase will be having his party at a bowling alley. Not that Carter can bowl or anything, but we'll make an appearance for some cake and celebrations!

My cool purchase of the week is a pair of Tom's shoes. I like the idea that for every pair of shoes you buy, they give a pair to a child in need. I haven't worn them yet, but I'm pretty sure they'll be comfy.

Well, time for dinner that the hubby made. Maybe even a glass of wine...


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Superbowl.. Shmooperbowl..

i truly could not care less about the superbowl.. this year, or any other year. Yes, I am currently watching it.. but it's because I like funny commercials and I live with a male. The Blake Shelton appearance was a surprise though. He's adorable.

What would be even better on this Sunday evening is if I had some wings, celery, blue cheese, and beer. But I don't. I'll have to settle for chocolate chip cookie dough frozen yogurt. I guess that makes me a little less of a fat ass. Not much.. but just a little. I guess if I want to lose twenty pounds I need to make sacrifices. My sacrifices should be greater.. but hey.. baby steps.

Carter had lots of milestones this week. He is crawling. He has a tooth. He pulls himself up from sitting to standing on the table, in the crib, on the couch, pretty much everywhere. He does raspberries, finger paints, and is darling. I love my little man.

What's not to love?!