Friday, January 10, 2014

2014 really??

Seriously? I'm not even sure where the past year and a half went since I signed on and posted.

Maybe it was the two job changes? The 15 hour work week that changed into 25 that then turned into 30? on top of the full time job known as motherhood. I mean I only have a two and a half year old now who is totally growing up way too fast for me. Gone are the days of rocking and crawling and newborn snuggles. They have changed into potty training, running and screaming, play doh sculpting, bossy demands of a non settled, crazy toddler who has more energy than a fully charged solar panel.

Even with the crazy life we may lead, I'm still grounded knowing that I'm alive for all of the madness. Menopause and PPH is a hitch but I feel I've overcome the biggest adjustment that was thrown at me the past 2 and a half years. Thank goodness for bio identical hormone pellet therapy.  More on that next time. ..

Ta- Ta for Now! !