Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Dum Diddy Dum de Dum de Dum Day..

Yep.. that would be the opening song from Nick Jr's Big Music Show. Shoot me in the face now. Apparently Carter enjoys it because he's bouncing like a maniac in his jumper, pretty much dancing to the music. He must be happy that he is 6 months old today!

6 months old?!?! Really?!? wtf.. where has the time gone? He was born on the summer solstice.. and here we are in full blown Christmas mode with some craptastic cold weather. Dear Santa... please bring me warmth and palm trees all year long so I can rock a tan and not look like the abominable snowman. K? thanks.

..oh.. and welcome to day one of my blog. i've jumped on the bandwagon like some of my fellow knottie/nesties. I can promise I will not be as funny and entertaining as SMD or the 26 y/o granny, Shauni. But, nonetheless, this will be good for my mental health. Enjoy.. or don't.. I don't judge (on most days).

Off to be a mommy...